Honey Granola with Summer Berries

Honey Granola with Summer Berries | My Blue&White Kitchen

Midsummer is all about light and flowers. That said, how perfect is this recipe to share around this time of the year? I had the honour of being a guest at Suus' Morning Rituals series on her fabulous food blog Food Bandits. Morning Rituals is one of those food blog series I look most forward to, so it was a real joy to become a part of that international blog and breakfast love. I talked about my breakfast favorites, how I would like to be a morning person, although I'm not, coffee, and shared the recipe for honey granola. You can read the talk I had with Suus here.

This granola recipe was created out of a longing for a simple yet tasty granola that would be lovely with summer's most wonderful berries and fruit. I wanted a granola that would let the summer produce be the star of the bowl. During the colder months, I like to add all kind of spices, nuts, seeds, and dried berries to my granola, so that the granola can easily stand on its own. In summer, however, I look for more delicate flavors.

Honey works great as a sweetener and is a nice alternative to maple syrup that I use often when sweetening homemade granola. Elderflowers are the essence of summer and I just can't believe that elderflower trees are so very hard to find here in Finland. It's not fair, folks! Out of frustration, I've used elderflower syrup a lot lately. I've marinated strawberries in it, made drinks with elderflower syrup and prosecco, and decided to use it in this granola as well. Should you not be able to find elderflower syrup at your local grocery store, look for it at Ikea. I opted for almonds only but you could certainly use whatever nuts you like the most. I'm a sucker for millet in my granola, as I like its texture when toasted; it adds something exciting to the granola mix. Should you not be into millet or don't have it at hand, leave it out or substitute it with seeds of your choice.

Honey Granola with Summer Berries

makes 1 sheet

This granola is naturally gluten-free. However, look for certified gluten-free oats, as oats are often contaminated with gluten, for example during harvesting, milling, or packaging.

200 g (5 dl; 2 cups) rolled oats
150 g (2 ½ dl; 1 cup) almonds, roughly chopped
55 g (4 tbsp) millet
¾ tsp fine sea salt
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
4 tbsp elderflower syrup
1 ½ dl (2/3 cup) honey

plain yogurt, to serve
summer berries or fruit, to serve
optional: honey or agave nectar, to serve

Preheat oven to 150°C (300°F). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a medium-sized bowl, combine the oats, almonds, millet, and salt. In another, small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, elderflower syrup, and honey until throughly combined. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix.

Spread the granola mixture evenly onto the lined baking sheet. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until lightly golden. The granola will get crispy as it cools. Stir the granola mixture and flip the sheet half way through. Keep a close look at the granola, as honey tends to brown quickly. Mix the granola mixture several times during the last 10 minutes of baking, as the granola at the edges tends to brown quicker than in the middle.

Let the granola cool completely before storing in an airtight container, such as a mason jar.

Enjoy with plain yogurt and top with your favorite summer berries.

Honey Granola with Summer Berries | My Blue&White Kitchen

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Finding Light & Joy – Smoked Fish Spread

Smoked Fish Spread | My Blue&White Kitchen

One night a couple of months ago, I sat down and "wrote down" a (mental) list of things I would like to start doing, do more, or do again. I was searching for more happy moments, for ways to bring more light and joy into my life. I quickly realised that I would love to have a veggie garden this summer. I'm still working on it but hope to harvest things like radishes, peas, and herbs later this summer. I wanted to knit more both by myself and in company. Since then, I've spent many days knitting while drinking coffee and chatting with lovely people. I also knew that it was finally time to start taking riding lessons again. I spent a great deal of my childhood and adolescence at the stables but had since neglected this passion of mine. Last Monday, I finally sat in the sattle again! My muscles are still hurting (like seriously HURTING!) but I had so much fun. It felt good and familiar. I had found my happy place; well, one of them.

Daily hassles, work, and chores... It's so easy to start neglecting ourselves. What do you want? What brightens up your day? Stop for a while and listen to yourself; to your body and mind. Life can be so very short, so why wait?

Smoked Fish Spread | My Blue&White Kitchen

Because this is a food blog, I also have a recipe for you. This smoked fish spread is one of those recipes that I originally didn't even plan to share with you. I just knew that it wouldn't be the most beautiful dish to look at and that it would be especially hard to do its deliciousness justice in a pic. But as I had my first sporkful of this spread, I just knew that if I wanted to do justice to you, my readers, I would need to share it on the blog. So I did my best to make it look like a thing that you would like to make.

This smoked fish spread is wonderful served on hearty, Nordic style rye bread or with boiled new potatoes. You could also use it as sandwich stuffing! It's really quick and easy to make; the only step that needs a bit of accuracy and time is boning the fish. The spread can be prepared in advance and stored in the fridge until ready to use. Are you celebrating Midsummer next week? Well, I'm definitely going to serve this next Friday and am sure that it will be a total crowd-pleaser.

Smoked Fish Spread

makes about 4 dl / 1 ⅔ cups

You can use any smoked fish. I recommend a nice mix of 2 or 3 types of fish – I used smoked rainbow trout and Atlantic mackerel. The spread can be made ahead and stored in the fridge until ready to use. Serve with hearty rye bread or boiled new potatoes.

300 g smoked fish, skin and bones removed
200 g sour cream
½ red onion, finely chopped
a small bunch of dill, finely chopped
juice of about ¼ lemon
pinch of fine sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

more dill, for garnish

Put the smoked fish into a food processor and pulse briefly - we want to have the fish slightly puréed. In a small bowl, mix together sour cream and onion. Add smoked fish and dill. Season with lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Mix until well combined.

Place in the fridge until ready to use.

Smoked Fish Spread | My Blue&White Kitchen

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